You have all heard me brag about my short story that I published. It was an easy enough task. I published it on Smashwords.com and they pushed it out to all the e-reader stores. I did it all on line and without having to deal with a single person.
The truth of the matter is I have not done any of my writing by myself. I have been surrounded by lots of caring and supportive people who have given me lots of help. This is the one thing I want you to take away from this, it does not matter what you are doing. You cannot do it all on your own.

Then there were two professionals that I met. The first is Mary Keating. She writes articles in local publications and has written several medical texts for doctors. She was kind enough to sit down and read my story. She said it was rough around a few edges, but that I should publish it. She said I needed to get the story out there. So, I went through the story a couple of more times to polish it and then I put the story out to Smashwords. I do not think I would have made the jump without Mary’s push.

So, is that the end? Not even. I have finished a rough draft for a story and I’m about half way through the rough draft of another story. At this time my wife and Mom are going through my finished rough draft. When they are finished I will start revising that story. I am having Bob do the cover art for my next two stories.

There is a lot of teamwork for the activity of writing, which seems to be just a one person show. But, isn’t that how life really is? Everyone who reads this should take a minute and think about the people around them that help them. I am positive you will see there are others around you and it is because of them you are able to do the things you do. Maybe you’re thinking you play video games, “how can someone help me with that?” There are people at that gaming store that get you the games. They talk to you about the games. How about friends you play against and you learn from them. At the very least you play with friends and they help make playing the games that much more exciting. Are you into modeling? Sure no one is helping you build the model, but again there were the people at the store where you got the model. They probably even gave you tips on how to do some of the work, like the airbrushing. What about your job. You may think you are on your own, but who is around you? You had someone who taught you to do the job. You have someone who pays you. You do one part of the job and someone else does another part of the job, could you do both parts?
Here is my point. You are not alone. You have people around that help you. Appreciate them. Thank them for their time and efforts with you. We as individuals are incomplete works. We are made whole by those who are in our lives. We do things and create things that become our sums. Those sums add up because of us and those who help us.

Thanks To:
Year of the Writer by JulieDillon @ deviantart.com
My Editor by OuchNegi @ deviantart.com
Buckaroo Bob by DrStrangeBob @ deviantart.com
Publisher by DadviSmit @ deviantart.com
Teamwork by Biokun @ deviantart.com
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