In my blog I like to talk about Anime, Manga, Movies, Books, Video
Games, and Geek life in general. Today I’d like to take a left turn and talk
about something that has been bothering me for some time. Why is there so much
I’m not talking about all the wars and the killing that happens on a
global level. I’m talking about our country, The U.S.A. We tote so much pride
in our freedoms and justice and equal rights, yet we continue to act out with
our prejudices.
Our government is tearing itself apart because Democrats and
Republicans can’t work together long enough to pass any laws. To be honest
there is so much corruption and self interest in our government, the lack of
bi-partisanship is the least of the worries.
Ferguson, Missouri is about to explode with race riots. I’m not
supporting the officer who shot Michael Brown. But, you have to ask yourself is
destroying property going to help anything? The only thing that is going to
happen is people on both sides are going to be hurt, maybe even killed. None of
the violence is going to fix the problem.
States are still passing laws to make it constitutional to refuse
service to LGBT people. What does it matter if there is an LGBT person in your
store? The store is not going to go out of business. Why does it matter if
there is an LGBT couple living in your neighborhood? Your home values aren’t
going to go down. If you are worried that your family values are going to be
corrupted, then I suggest your family values were weak to be attacked so
What are we teaching our children? When we were children did we not
learn from the previous generations about their hatred and bigotry? Did we not
see the destruction and pain that was caused during the race riots of the 50s
and 60s? Did we not learn in school how our country tore itself apart in a
civil war because of hatred and bigotry?
As a lone individual I vote in the hopes our government will work
itself out. I treat other people as I hope they will treat me. I watch and I
see that we have the opportunities to make great things happen, if we were just
to work together. Then again I also see that we are destroying everything that
has made this country great.
It doesn’t matter what your background or belief system is, at some
point in each of our lives we were taught to be good to each other. We have
forgotten that.
Just a simple suggestion, treat everyone you meet the way you would
like to be treated. I’m sure you like respect and kindness given to you. If we
all gave each other respect and kindness maybe this wouldn’t be such a big
scary world.